Mission Bhartiyam

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Thanks for showing your interest. Please find here a brief detail about Mission Bhartiyam and volunteer registration form. 


Mission Bhartiyam is an organization, established in October 2007 by a group of youths. The group was already engaged with several social welfare activities through participation of its members in various activities of awareness, fund raising for Tsunami victims and meetings; however it was October 2007, when the group decided to convert itself in a formal group to pay attention towards social problems in more serious and professional way and to get associated with other likeminded people. 

The collaborators of Mission Bhartiyam, even from different domains, states and countries, are focused and committed to the development of society.




  • To generate public awareness about the environmental issues like environmental balance, plantation, and pollution control, global-warming, climate change, solid waste management and to plan and organize the seminars, workshops, street drives, campaigns etc. for the same. 
  • Advocacy on the issues of Consumer Rights, Human Rights, Child and Women Rights and all kind of awareness generation programs.
  • To promote Peace & Communal harmony among public.
  • To arrange vocational training programs including training in computers, electronics, typewriters, sewing, embroidery, food processing and other trades for the unemployed youths.
  • To organize seminars, meetings and workshops on various issues concerning Environment & Humanity.
  • To organize cultural programmes aimed at inculcating high values among the youths with or without the help of other government/non-government agencies.
  • To work in the flood, earthquake, drought and other natural calamities prone areas and to work for rehabilitation of the affected ones.
  • To promote rural sanitation and clean drinking water programs.
  • To organize health camps for the proper treatment of addicted persons.
  • To provide all kinds of managerial support, training and consultancy to the voluntary organizations and to help them manage the projects efficiently.
  • To contribute in the socio economic development of the adopted by inculcating the feelings of self dependence. 
  • To work for the welfare of the disabled, old age and handicapped people. 
  • To design and implement programs for the welfare of the entire animal species. 
  • To carry out research projects, surveys and analysis, monitoring and evaluation and to promote science and technology. 
  • To print, publish issue and exhibit any terms, journals, periodicals, books, papers, pamphlets, advertisements, reports, lectures and other reading matter for the promotion, benefit and advancement of the charitable ideas, institutions, works and activities of the societies. 

Present Campaigns:
Nationwide Campaigns: 

Paigham e Insaniyat (in association with Khudai Khidmatgar, Sadbhav Mission, Ayodhya ki Awaz)
Save Sharmila Solidarity Campaign (in association with NAPM, ASHA and many others)

Other Programs by Mission Bhartiyam :
Environmental awareness
Human Rights advocacy
Legal aid to poor
RTI awareness Camps
Health check up camps
Career Counselling sessions
Awareness on education
Youth festivals

* We welcome names for district contact persons. Those who want to be district contact person, may send their names however mentioning them as a contact persons will depend on availability of position in that district. These contact person's name will be displayed on our website too. Please note that Mission Bhartiyam does not provide any salary to its district contact person. It is volunteer based organization. 

Contact: +91-9958907799

(Regd under SRA,1860, Established & managed by youths)
Delhi Address: 23-C, first floor, Pkt-J, Sheikh Sarai, New Delhi 

City Office: A-1150,Indira Nagar,Lucknow
Regd Office: SEC-J,E-III,733,Aliganj,Lucknow (U.P.)
Website: www.missionbhartiyam.org (under maintenance)
BLOG   : www.missionbhartiyam.blogspot.com
E-Mail   : admin@missionbhartiyam.in
Facebook Address:

" We are dedicated for social welfare through sustainable development approach"

(Regd under SRA,1860, Established & managed by youths)
City Office: A-1150,Indira Nagar,Lucknow
Regd Office: SEC-J,E-III,733,Aliganj,Lucknow (U.P.)
Website: www.missionbhartiyam.in
BLOG   : www.missionbhartiyam.blogspot.com
E-Mail   : admin@missionbhartiyam.in
Facebook Address:

" We are dedicated for social welfare through sustainable development approach"


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