Tree for Harmony(TFH), an initative of India-based Mission Bhartiyam, aims to address the twin goals of Environment and Peace. Celebrated between 16th September (World Ozone Day) and 21st September (World Peace Day), TFH seeks to make people aware and sensitive about the need for a sustainable environment and a peaceful society. Under Tree for Harmony, we plant a symbolic tree labelled as "Harmony Tree" and try to disseminate the concept and message for a healthy environment and society through different ways. TFH is observed by creating a network. Mission Bhartiyam observes TFH by collaborating with different organisations around the world.
This is our third year of Tree for Harmony. In our two earlier TFH weeks during last years, we had observed it in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal with the help of organizations there.
This year, we are happy that Tree for Harmony will be observed in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sudan, Nigeria, Cameroon and Congo.
We invite you/your organisation to join us!
How to observe it?
Tree for Harmony can be observed at different levels:
School/College level: Organise it in your or approach a school/college to observe it by planting a tree labeled as “HarmonyTree” and a small discussion/essay/painting programme or any other relevant programme to spread the message for sustainable Environment or/and peaceful society. The discussion and other related programmes are optional but it is essential that you tell the students the importance of this concept.
Organisation Level: Approach an organization to observe it in the above-listed ways. They can observe it in a school, college, in their own workplace or in any public space.
Individual Level:
- Plant a tree/plant labelled as "Harmony Tree" in your locality/block/village. Organise a small informal/formal discussion to tell people about the concept and relevance of Indo-Pak Peace.
- Plant a tree/plant labeled as “Harmony Tree” in your home.
Please find enclosed the required pamphlet and banner.
Please send us the photo and report (if you observe it at home, send photo of harmony tree and your message on Indo-Pak peace) by 25th September 2014.
Participation of all organisations, schools and individuals will be duly recognised in our press releases and in our report. We will issue a letter of appreciation to all collaborators.
Please let us know if you have any queries. You can mail us or call at +91 8395866668, +91 9958907799, +91 9582129927