politics in INDIA

Dear all,

Recently we heard from newspapers that lot of politicians in India have stayed in DALIT BASTIs in night on International Non Violence Day 02 OCT 2009 in the memory of Mahatma Gandhi.Though the approach is good in view of the social respect and equality for all but is it enough? I think not.

Moreover we also heard from newspapers that there were politicians,who went there with mineral waters and their own cook.What it shows?

We request to all politicians to be as they are.Dont try to show off the things because when it comes on real ground,their failure will come forward and will become cause of shame to them.

The one more thing we want tp share with public is the power and importance of their votes.Do not give your valable vote to such persons who keep their mindset as usual and dont want to be change.


Ravi N


Mission Bhartiyam